Friday, September 9, 2011

First Days Fun

Bringing home a baby was not only an adjustment for me and Chris but also for our furry baby, Squirt.  Squirt was immediately very curious of Tucker and instantly became protective of her.  She would not leave Tucker's side.  Here are some pictures of their first meeting...

They will be best friends one day.

2 day old Tucker toes :)

3 days old...such a sweet face

Tucker on a milk high 
5 days of his first real big smiles (of course I had to tickle his cheek to get him to do it)

Gangsta Baby

Decked out for Tucker's first doctor's appointment.
6 days old

Sweet face on the way to the doctor.

One of my favorite things to do on maternity leave was just hang out with my little man. 
The best days of my life.

Snoozing doesn't get much better than this.

Sleeping on MeMe

The first week at home with our new family was a great one.  It is hard to believe how natural and routine everything already feels.  The transition into parenthood has been as smooth for our family as anyone could ask for.  I really enjoyed having Chris home during this first week.  We enjoyed some great visitors and shared some great family time with our newest addition.  Tucker's first week of existence is one that will always be so special.  The first days of being a parent and holding and taking care of a human being that you helped to create is something no words can describe.  I'll end this post with one question: "How can you not believe in God when you see a baby He has created in His image with such innocence and perfection?" Thank you Lord for my son.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Homeward Bound

It is the last day in the hospital and we are finally going home with our little man. There is no turning back now! We spent the morning getting last minute details situated with hospital, gathering our belongings, and waiting to be discharged.  I remember being so nervous to fill out Tucker's birth certificate correctly that I wrote his first name as Jackson instead of Tucker.  It was quite a walk of shame to the nurses station to ask for another blank birth certificate form!

Tucker sporting his Upstate Maverick gear for the big ride home.

Taking some pictures with my little man before we head home.

Family Photo.

Lovin' on Tucker.

Wrapped up and ready to go!

Walking to the car!

Strapping Tucker in his carseat for the first time.

He looks so little.

Ready to go home!

On our way!

I will never forget that overwhelming feeling of excitement and emotion as we loaded up the car to take our son home.  I think I had tears in my eyes the whole ride home.  It was hard to believe it was really happening.  The last time I was in the car it was just me and Chris.  Now we were a family of three and I couldn't be happier and feel more blessed.  

And so our new life feels like it has officially begun as we start to settle into our home with our newest addition...Tucker Jackson Nall.